Foundational Fitness

About the Clinic

We are a newly established Chiropractic office located inside of ReVibe Fitness and Wellness in Burnsville, MN. It is our philosophy that the foundation of health and wellness is an individual’s fitness. At Foundational Fitness CHC, our mission is to improve the quality of life of our patients and teach them the skills they need to thrive. We employ three main strategies to help our patients: adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and most importantly therapeutic exercise. These techniques, when incorporated in unison, help to manage symptoms of pain, can improve an individual’s natural range of motion, and retrain the muscles to optimize the patient’s daily activity, whatever that may be. Our doctors begin every new patient encounter with a thorough, one-on-one conversation followed by physical exam. This gives us the information we need to prepare an individualized treatment plan for every patient. Do not let any aches or pains prevent you from enjoying your life. Schedule an appointment with us today.

Dr. Mackayla Wayerski

Meet the Doctor:

Dr. Mackayla Wayerski is the cofounder and lead Doctor of Foundational Fitness. She grew up in central Wisconsin Stevens Point. She received her bachelor’s degree in human biology and Doctor of Chiropractic from Northwestern Health Sciences University. While attending NWHSU, she was exposed to many different ideas of what Chiropractic Care could look like. This is where she met the other cofounder of Foundational Fitness, Jake, and found that they shared a common vision of care. This care includes movement and exercise built directly into the treatments for patients. Dr. Mack enjoys working with all people from infants to the elderly and is eager to help reshape your life. In her spare time, Dr. Mack, enjoys Sunday mornings reading on the couch with a cup of coffee, hiking, and spending time with her dog named Twinkle.